Dear Neighbors,
Currently the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and Social Committee are the only ones meeting.
The willingness of homeowners to do the work needed to improve our community is important and other committees may be reinstated in the future. As a general rule, HOA committees assist Board members by addressing specific community issues and tasks, and serving in an advisory role for the benefit of the community. They gather information, assess problems and recommend solutions to the Board. However, the committees do not make decisions. Also, all committee meetings are open to any homeowner that wants to attend.
It is up to the board to make decisions based on the recommendations of the various committees. And although committee members might feel some urgency to implement their ideas, keep in mind that the board will need to consider recommendations from all committees before making decisions. Setting priorities and establishing timelines will be based on the needs of the community.
We also recognize that this is a volunteer position. Our hope is that being on a committee will allow homeowners to get to know each other and be a good experience for everyone. We want to thank all committee members for the time and energy you are putting in for the benefit of our community. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
Board of Directors, Boca Marina Homeowner’s Association
Below is a list of the committees that have been utilized in the past and the purpose of each committee:
Architectural Control Committee (ACC) – Committee members: Mary Baker, Phil Bellino, Chris Candy
Purpose: The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is a standing committee of people appointed by the HOA Board, who sit in judgment of modifications that owners want to make to their homes. The ACC, is charged by our community’s covenants, conditions and restrictions, the CCRs, with the exclusive task of promulgating and assuring adherence to guidelines in order to maintain aesthetic standards within the community and to preserve values.    
Long Range Strategic Planning Committee – Board Liaison: TBD,  Committee Chair: TBD
Purpose: Create a long range (5 year) vision for our community in areas such as financial, common areas, reserve funds, landscaping, etc. Assess where the community is currently and develop objectives and goals to determine where the association is going. Contracting a reserve study and periodic follow-ups will be an important role of this committee.
Social / Welcome Committee – Committee Chair: Patty Worath
Purpose: The Social/Welcome Committee makes a positive touchpoint with new members in the community by providing welcome baskets to new residents and plans social functions to allow neighbors to get to know one another. 
Landscape Enhancement/Beautification Committee – 
Purpose: Suggests and organizes projects for the improvement and beautification of our neighborhood common areas. Examples of projects that might be considered by this committee to enhance our community are landscape, streetlights, mailboxes, fencing, signage, etc.
Governing Documents Revision – 
Purpose: Review our community’s governing documents to ensure their continued functionality and eliminate provisions that may have become archaic, work together with the association attorney to review and develop suggested changes as necessary and present proposed changes to the homeowners prior to community ratification.
Infrastructure/Grounds Maintenance Committee – 
Purpose: Conduct periodic reviews of our infrastructure, submitting recommendations to the Board, develop plans for repair and/or improvement as needed, review bids to determine the adequacy and accuracy of work desired to be performed and review annual budget and reserves to plan for renewal and stage of capital spending.

Boca Marina Yacht Club is managed by:
Mahogany Services, Inc.
Attn: Lauren Heller
21 SE 5th Street - Suite 200 - Boca Raton, FL 33432 - PHONE: (561) 997-6453 EMAIL US
© 2025 Boca Marina Yacht